Thursday, January 31, 2008


Well, I don't know about you but I am getting so excited. One week from today I will be heading to CHA in Anaheim, CA. It is one of the biggest trade shows of the year and I am getting to go once again. I have been getting blasted by all the e-mails from all the companies showing at CHA. Some of the new product they are coming out with is just amazing. If you have a boy and have been saddened by the lack of boyish styles in the products, well your time is up. I have seen so many cool male themed papers and embellishments to knock your socks off. I have to keep a towel next to the computer to wipe up the drool off my keyboard.
I have a lot of things I will be looking for. New papers, new techniques, new embellishments, new everything. It's a good thing I'm leaving the checkbooks at home so I can think a little clearly when I get back and make good judgments on my purchases. If there is anything out there you might be looking for, leave a message and I will see what I can come up with. I really want to be able to bring in the items that my customers are looking for. You are the reason we are here. So leave your comments and we will see what we can do.

Stay tuned for a February and March class update this weekend.

Oh, and if you want to see some great sneak peaks, check out Cosmo Cricket's blog and Creative Imaginations blog. You will get some great eye candy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January News

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and you are all ready to get back to crafting. We have some great products coming into the store and some changes that are going to take place so make sure you keep stopping by to see what's happening.

The calendar link on the right will take you to the classes we have going on this month.

Now for the big news

Mardi Gras Crop
12 hours of fun, food and prizes!!!!
Saturday January 26th, 2008
2 p.m. to 2 a.m.
part of the proceeds will go to the Katrina Relief Fund

There will be lots of good food, games and prizes throughout the night. I hope you will be able to attend. Seating is limited so make sure you call and reserve your spot now.

There are many other exciting things planned for this year. Take care and talk to you soon!